WEB DESK: When someone says “beach” you probably think of yellow or white sand, rolling waves, bright sunlight and a beer or fruity cocktail. But beaches come in far more different shapes and colors than some of us might have expected. Here are seven beaches that, in one way or another, might not be anything like the beaches you’re used to.

Unique Glass Beach in California

1Image credits: digggs

The glass beach near Fort Bragg in California formed after the trash dumped there for years by local residents was pounded into sand by the surf. The dumping was eventually prohibited, but the glass sand remains.

2Image credits: digggs

Shell Beach, Shark Bay, Australia

13Image credits: australiascoralcoast.com

The water near Shell Beach in Australia is so saline that the cockle clam has been able to proliferate unchecked by its natural predators. It is this abundance of molluscs that floods the beaches with their shells.

17Image credits: Yahoo Images

Maldives Beach That Looks Like Starry Night Sky

3Image credits: Will Ho

The lights on this beach in the Maldives are caused by microscopic bioluminescent phytoplankton, which give off light when they are agitated by the surf.

4Image credits: Will Ho

Pink Sand Beach, Bahamas

5Image credits: greenglobe.travel

The idyllic pink sand of the Bahamas is pigmented by washed-up coral remnants, which are dashed and ground to tiny pieces by the surf.

6Image credits: luxuo.com

Green Sand In Kourou, French Guiana

7Image credits: Arria Belli.

8Image credits: paradisepin.com

Punaluu Black Sand Beach, Hawaii

9Image credits: hawaiitopten.com

The black sand on Punaluu is formed by basalt lava, which explodes as it flows into the sea and rapidly cools.

10Image credits: poco a poco

Red Sand Beach, Rabida, Galapagos

11Image credits: Robert Peternel

The red sand at Rabida was formed due to the oxidization of iron-rich lava deposits, although it could also be due to washed-up coral sediments.

12Image credits: Robert Peternel


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