Muslim’s personality should be effective for the Society. Those who except   ALLAH’s message, bound to follow the Instructions. They always proud to be a Muslims. Said Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan in annual ceremony at Darul Irfan to followers. He said, today in Pakistan democracy means advice of the uneducated person and chief justice is same. Words of the Nobel and criminal are same in weight. Democracy in Pakistan is number game. In Islam, democracy definition is, first should take advise from the Educated, Practical & Experience professionals then present to the journal crowd. We believe that Quran is the Book of Allah but we don’t practices it into our life. He said, non Muslim except the rule of Quran in life but Muslim don’t. Book of Allah has two benefits. One is in life, second after death. If non Muslim practice the Quran in his life will be fruitful but after death they don’t have. Prayers develop the personality fine tune the thinking .Allah give us strength to follow the Quran. Amen.



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2 thoughts on “Muslim’s personality should be effective for Society.Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan.”

  1. Very well defined the definition of democracy in Pakistan.


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